Yesterday we went to DHMC for a scheduled appointment. I asked about checking Electrolytes since Ambrose is on diuretics for his renal calcification. They hadn't been checked since August. About an hour after leaving I received a call that he had a critical lab value. His potassium level was 2.6. The normal range is 3.5-5.0. This can cause skeletal muscle weakness, constipation (which he has definately been experiencing) and can progress to affect the heart and lungs. It is good that it was discovered. Ambrose hid it well. He is now taking Potassium Chloride supplements and will have to go back next week to have his levels drawn again (from his trusty forehead vein).
Otherwise Ambrose has been his usual cuddly and sweet self.
We have been stimulating his vision a lot more lately with many of his Make a Wish toys, including the iPad. I think he is actually using his vision more. His doctor commented yesterday that she noticed him looking at her for the first time. Yeah Brosie!